I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend a presentation by Captain Stacy E. Gerlich at Erin's house. The presentation was sponsored by California Volunteers We Prepare program.
Captain Gerlich reviewed the importance of having a plan for an emergency. Families especially need to practice and plan for any type, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, you never know what is going to happen and when. This is not news, this is something should be common place, even the Brady Bunch worked in a Fire Drill into a subplot (Episode 55).

Many questions were asked about the best laid plans for each family and how do they know. Jairo Moncada explained that the We Prepare website offers family's a chance to create a plan for their family online, and print it out in book form to share with younger children. this would also be helpful to give to babysitters and to even leave in a guestroom for visitors.
Captain Gerlich then took us on a tour of Erin's house to show what could be better secured in case of emergency. This is where the organization aspect comes in to play. Think of everything in your home office as being a projectile. Yep, your printer, your monitor, your crap! All flying at you in the event of an earthquake or a tornado. You need to make sure all large pieces are secured via straps and/or velcro and all small items are put in their proper places.
She explained the importance of having items around your water heater cleared so as to prevent fire, she showed us the usefulness of the pool as well as the potential for flooding because of the pool splashing.

She even went so far as to show us how to cover in a situation where there isn't much to cover under.
Jairo provided all of us with a preparedness backpack that includes items to use in emergency situations. One such item is an ER Bar, it didn't look very appetizing and from the look on Losangelista's face it didn't taste that way either, but heck if you are in an all or nothing situation someting is better than nothing.
They also provided me with lunchbag size emergency kits that are perfect for your car. It includes a flashlight, packages of potable water, first aid items a reflective blanket and a whistle and light stick to notify others of your whereabouts.
Twelve of my readers will recieve this kit just for asking.
Your child participates in a fire drill every month at school, how often do you do one at home?
Do you have a "meeting place" if you were to have to exit different places from your house than your children?
Do you have an out of state contact in case all of the circuits in your state are busy?
Think about it, how prepared are you?
I'd love one!
I'll take one! Never can be too prepared, especially in your car (on the highways and byways of life???).
Aloha Adriennevh,
Here's the comment I tried to post to your emergency preparedness post:
Oh, may I have one? I grew up in New Orleans (many hurricanes most years,)
went through the Loma Prieta (World Series) Earthquake in San Francisco and
have lived in Hawaii for the last fifteen years. Emergency preparedness is
important to me and I've blogged about it several times. I've just moved to
Texas and am living with the contents of two suitcases until I find a new
home and get all of my stuff here, so I'm feeling particularly unprepared
for disasters these days!
I would love to be prepared. Thanks for the opportunity!
Hi! Can I please have one, too?
LikeLeyna please provide an email address, or activate your blogger profile. Thanks.
I'm sorry but a fire drill will freak my child out. I don't even like it when they do it at school. He is prepared to do what the teachers (and I) tell him to do.
But I am willing to be more prepared so send me a kit.
I'd love one!
Believe it or not I forget I live in Earthquake land. Duh.. would love a kit. Thanks!
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